Self-Paced Modules
Self-Paced Modules
What are self-paced modules?
These learning modules can be completed at your convenience and in multiple sittings. They are interactive and will have activities you must complete before you move on to the next section. You can take the module on your computer, tablet, or phone. And they are worth judicial education credit!
How can I get credit?
Once you complete the self-paced module, fill out the module certification form. Please note: The module certification form is different than the webinar certification form and can be found below.
5-Day Challenge to Improve Your Mental Health
Courts are stressful places to work. This module will help judges, court staff, and constables commit to their mental health with a five-day challenge. The student will be able to:
- Describe different facets of mental health;
- Practice simple exercises to positively affect mental health; and
- Reframe negative thoughts.
Click here to begin the 5-Day Challenge to Improve Your Mental Health
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 1.5 civil hours. -
Certified Clerk Study Guide Modules
You can find three modules (Level 1 Civil, Level 1 Criminal, and Master Clerk) on our Clerk certification webpage.
Each module is worth 2 hours of credit. Clerks and judges can complete them, whether or not you plan on taking the exam, for credit.
Creating Civil Judgments
This course will cover what must be included when creating judgments in civil cases in justice courts, including agreed judgments, default judgments, judgments for personal property, and judgments in eviction and repair & remedy cases.
Click here to begin the Creating Civil Judgments self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1 total hour, including 1 civil hour. -
Debt Claim Cases
This course provides a step-by-step explanation of a debt claim case, including special requirements for the petition, how and when to grant a default judgment, mediation, trial, judgment and calculation of post-judgment interest.
Click here to begin the Debt Claim Cases self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 1.5 civil hours. -
Deferred Disposition and DSC Dismissals
Thousands of criminal cases in Texas should be resolved using deferred disposition and DSC dismissals each year. This module will explain the procedures for considering and properly adjudicating cases with deferred disposition and DSC dismissals.
Click here to begin the Deferred Disposition & DSC Dismissals self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 0 civil hours. -
Driver's License Revocation Hearings
This course covers the rules and procedures for hearings involving the revocation or suspension of a driver’s licenses, including the procedures for the license suspension for an uninsured motorist.
Click here to begin the Driver's License Revocation Hearings self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1 total hour, including 1 civil hour. -
Eviction Appeals
The trickiest part of an eviction case often comes after a judgment is already rendered! This module will take you step by step through the eviction appeals process.
Click here to begin the Eviction Appeals self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 1.5 civil hours. -
Exempt Property
This course will explain the basics of exempt property and the procedure for exempt property hearings in justice courts.
Click here to begin the Exempt Property self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 2 total hours, including 2 civil hours. -
Extradition Hearings
This module will cover proceedings dealing with fugitives from justice and extradition issues. This course satisfies the requirement of Art. 51.13, Sec. 10, of the Code of Criminal Procedure for non-attorney justices of the peace to hold waiver of extradition hearings.
Click here to access the Extradition Hearings self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1 total hour, including 0 civil hours. -
Family Violence and Other Criminal History Reporting for Justice Courts
This course will prepare justice court judges and clerks to report disposition data for Class C offenses, with an emphasis on family violence cases. As of September 1, 2019, justice courts are required to report all Class C family violence case dispositions to the Texas Department of Public Safety pursuant to Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 66.252.
Click here to access the Family Violence and Other Criminal History Reporting self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 2 total hours, including 0 civil hours. -
This course will explore writs of garnishment, including the basic procedures for issuing a writ and processing a garnishment case, the judgment debtor's rights, and special circumstances that could arise.
Click here to begin the Garnishment self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 2 total hours, including 2 civil hours. -
Handgun License Hearings
This course covers the rules and procedures for hearings involving handgun licenses, including the denial, the suspension, and the revocation of a license.
Click here to begin the Handgun License Hearings self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1 total hour, including 1 civil hour. -
Inquests: Interpreting Toxicology Reports
This module will help justices of the peace gain a base knowledge for interpreting toxicology results and discussing them with medical examiners and toxicologists during inquest investigations.
Click here to access the Interpreting Toxicology Reports module
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hour, including 1.5 civil hours. -
Interpreters & Spanish Legal Terminology
This course will prepare justice court judges and clerks to assist people with limited English proficiency (LEP) with interpreter services and other language assistance resources in justice court proceedings.
Click here to begin the Interpreters & Spanish Legal Terminology self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 3 total hour, including 3 civil hour. -
Legal Research & Resources
This course will cover where to look and what to do when you need to research a legal question. It will also provide the opportunity to practice your research skills and find the answers to actual legal questions.
Click here to view the module.
After you have watched the webinar, please fill out our online certification form for credit.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This webinar counts for 2 total hours, including 2 civil hours.**This course is required for all new judges taking office in FY2023. Please complete by March 1, 2023.
New Judge Toolkit
Picture this: You've just been elected or appointed. Congratulations and welcome! But where do you start? This resource page is for new judges who have just taken the bench.
The best place to start is with TJCTC's New Judge Toolkit module which will introduce you to our organization and walk you through all of our resources.
Click here to begin the New Judge Toolkit self-paced module.
After you have watched the webinar, please fill out our online certification form for credit.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 2 total hours, including 2 civil hours.**This course is required for all new judges taking office in FY2023. Please complete by March 1, 2023.
New to the Constable's Office Part I: Constable Duties
Constables have two main duties, service of civil process and serving as bailiff in justice courts. This course will focus on a constable’s required duties, communication with other county officials, and how to find help with any issues that arise.
Click here to begin the New to the Constable's Office Part I: Constable Duties.
Course Credit Hours
This module does not count for TCOLE hours, but does count for TJCTC hours. This module counts for 1 total hour, including 1 civil hour. -
New to the Constable's Office Part II: Introduction to Civil Process
The responsibilities and duties of a constable serving civil process differ greatly from their law enforcement responsibilities and duties. This course will teach constables what civil process is, explain the differences between civil and criminal duties, and explain what information is common to all civil process that they serve.
Click here to begin the New to the Constable's Office Part II: Introduction to Civil Process
Course Credit Hours
This module does not count for TCOLE hours, but does count for TJCTC hours. This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 1.5 civil hours. -
Occupational Driver License (ODL)
This course will cover when to grant an occupational driver's license (ODL), what the order granting an ODL should contain, and what to do if you need to change or revoke an ODL.
Click here to begin the ODL module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 1.5 civil hours. -
Options When a Criminal Defendant Doesn't Show Up
In this course, you will learn about the court's options when a criminal defendant doesn't appear.
Click here to begin the Options When a Defendant Doesn't Show Up self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 0 civil hours. -
The People's Court: Overview, Resources, and Ethics
Everything you wanted to know about being a Justice of the Peace (but were afraid to ask)! This course will provide basic information about the justice system and being a justice of the peace, and will show you how to access important resources.
Click here to begin the "People's Court" module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1.5 total hours, including 1.5 civil hours. -
Residential Evictions: Step by Step
This module features an overview of residential eviction procedure, not including appeals.
This course is worth 2 education hours, including 2 civil hours. -
Setting Bail and Bond Conditions Under the Damon Allen Act
You can find this module on our bail education page.
This module is worth 3 credit hours and can be taken as a part of the SB 6 requirements. For more information, please review the bail education page.
PLEASE NOTE: This webinar has a SPECIAL certification form to fill out if you are seeking education for the SB6 requirements. Visit our Bail Education page for more information.
TJCTC Magistration Module
You can find this module on our bail education page.
This module is worth 3 credit hours and can be taken as a part of the SB 6 requirements.
NOTE: Changes were made in the 88th Legislative Session that affect material in this module. Before taking this module, download this additional material and review it with the module while you take it.
This webinar has a special certification form to fill out if you are seeking education for the SB6 requirements. Visit our Bail Education page for more information.
Tow Hearings
Justice courts have jurisdiction to hear cases in which a person claims that a vehicle was illegally towed or booted or that the charges they had to pay were improper. This course will explain when a vehicle is subject to being towed or booted, how an owner or operator may request a hearing, what the court must do once a hearing has been requested, the issues the court must decide, possible outcomes of the hearing and appeal and enforcement of the court's order.
Click here to begin the Tow Hearing self-paced module.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 1 total hour, including 1 civil hour. -
Truant Conduct
This module will cover truant conduct cases from filing of the referral through enforcement of remedial orders.
Take the Truant Conduct self-paced module.
This course is worth 2 hours, including 2 civil hours.
Unidentified Bodies Toolkit
This course will provide resources and information for justices of the peace to utilize when dealing with unidentified bodies during an inquest. This module can be taken in order or used as a refresher for particular issues discussed.
Click here to begin the Unidentified Bodies Toolkit.
Judicial Education Credit Hours
This module counts for 2 total hours, including 2 civil hours. -
Virtual Hearings Module
TJCTC has create a new virtual hearings module and is helping roll out a virtual bench exchange program!
For more information and to access the module, visit our Bench Exchange Program and Virtual Hearings Module webpage.