Tech Tools
Justice courts and Constable offices are going virtual!
Are you a Zoom whiz who wants to learn about more features? Are you having trouble accessing TJCTC's videos? Are you a tech beginner and don't know where to start?
Check out our Tech Tools resources below to help you learn more or troubleshoot an issue.
I want more information about virtual hearings.
How do I get access to the OCA provided Zoom accounts?
From the Office of Court Administration's website:
In order to facilitate court activities, the Office of Court Administration is providing Judges the ability to stream and host court proceedings via Zoom and YouTube. Under the Open Courts Provision of the Texas Constitution, it requires that all courts maintain public access.
Only State of Texas Judges are eligible for access to the OCA provided Zoom accounts. To request access or inquire about a previous request please contact:
New Zoom accounts are being activated on a rolling basis several times daily. OCA staff are working diligently to ensure that all Texas Judges gain access as soon as possible.
What other software can I use for virtual hearings?
Our staff attorney Amber Myers shares some examples in this "Tech Tools" webinar. You can receive .5 hours of judicial education for watching this webinar.
Are you using a software for virtual hearings besides Zoom? Let us know so we can connect other judges who may have questions about additional software options. Send your information to Jessica at
How do I start a Zoom meeting/use breakout rooms/share my screen, etc.
Zoom has many video tutorials available on their site that cover each specific step you may have questions about. Click here to see the Zoom tutorials.
What does a virtual hearing look like?
Check out TJCTC's mock virtual hearing to see what a virtual hearing might look like in practice.
Featuring Judge Rick Hill and....Cecil the cat.
Do you have a sample of virtual hearing instructions for parties?
Yes! Judge Nicholas Chu from Travis County has shared his video conference instructions he is using in his court. Click here to download the instructions.
What are some best practices for virtual hearings with self-represented litigants or litigants with disabilities?
The Texas Access for Justice Commission has created several helpful documents illustrating tips for handling cases involving self-represented litigants remotely. Click here to download the documents.
What are the rules regarding public access to hearings?
The Office of Court Administration has provided a bench card to outline the proper procedures. Click here to download the bench card.
How can I protect my virtual hearing from being hacked?
- Disable Guest Screen Sharing. By restricting screen sharing to the host, you can prevent anyone else from being able to display what is on their desktop.
- Require the Host to Be Present.
- Keep Your Personal Meeting ID Private.
- Use a Password.
- Use The Waiting Room.
Check out these articles for more information
OCA Webinar- Conducting Effective Remote Hearings in Justice Court
The Office of Court Administration produced a video on how to Conduct Effective Remote Hearings in Justice Court. You can watch the webinar by clicking here.
I'm having trouble accessing TJCTC resources.
I'm not getting TJCTC emails.
If you are having trouble receiving our Newsletters, Upcoming Events, Alerts and Updates, you can now use an alternate email address to receive these emails. You can do this by logging in and updating your Student Information. Click Here for detailed instructions.
I can't view TJCTC's webinar recordings or the video or audio are messing up.
The first thing to do is check which browser you are using. Some participants have had trouble accessing the videos with good quality on older browsers.
The best browser to view the videos on is Google Chrome. Try out this browser first if you are having trouble.
Not sure what a browser is or don't know if yours is up to date? You can click on this website and it will tell you:
You can then take that information to your IT department and see if they can help you update it.
I want to learn more about basic cybersecurity.
TJCTC has a webinar on Simple Cybersecurity for Your Court and Office.
Additionally, if you would like more in-depth information, check out one of these resources.
I want to learn more about video magistration software.
If you would like to hear about video magistration software and best practices straight from the source, the following judges have experience conducting video magistration and have agreed to serve as a resource for anyone who may have questions about the process:
- Judge Rick Hill, Brazos County: (979) 255-0365
- Judge Tomas Ramirez, Medina County: (210) 854-7256
- Judge Nicholas Chu, Travis County: Direct Office Line: (512) 854-4557 Personal Mobile: (817) 773-6905
- Judge Bob Whitaker, Victoria County: (361) 575-0246
- Judge Michael Roach (county judge, Stephens County):; Phone: 254-559-2190
- Judge Deidra Voigt (Gonzales County)
Phone: 830-672-9001 - Judge Yadi Rodriguez (Hutchinson County), 806-273-0103,
Interested in mentoring?

Are you a justice of the peace, constable, court clerk, or deputy and interested in mentoring other justice courts or constable offices on virtual hearings, video magistration, or other tech topics?
Please let us know! Email Jessica at